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⇒ 宮沢先生プロフィール
⇒ レイキとREIKI(宮沢邦夫・望月俊孝著)BABジャパン

日本語 / English

サイレント・キラー・・・・ 高血圧疾患・・・・・私たちが予防できるもの



血圧値は120/80が「標準的」といわれています。140/90以上だと、高いと判断されます。毎朝起きたときの血圧が120/80以下だといい様です。 高血圧になると、心臓を酷使することになり、心臓発作や、心臓麻痺、脳梗塞、腎臓病、その他健康上の問題を引き起こす危険があります。実際、患者さんによっては、心臓発作が高血圧の最初の合図になることもあります。高血圧だとわかってはいても、半数の人々は治療を受けていません。治療を受けていても、半数の人の血圧値は標準にさがっていないとのことです。



血圧と心臓に注意してください。レイキの「招福の秘法 萬病の霊薬」にある「今日だけは怒るな」を忘れてはいけません。そして、腹が立ったときには、それをレイキにまかせましょう。そうすれば、レイキはあなたの真の友人として、あなたを理解し、あなたに微笑みかけてくれるでしょう。どうか、あなたが健康で幸せにながく人生を暮らされますように!


参照:掲載記事、ドクター エリヤ・サンダース、メリーランド医科大学

ドクター クニオ・ミヤザワ (宮沢邦夫)

    Pau(パゥオ)    End    おわり

ドクター クニオ・ミヤザワ 連絡先:Eメール  KunioM@AOL.COM
                  ホームページ http://healingclinichawaii.com

過去6ヶ月、日本でも大きなWeb site, “Reikihealing.jp”で私のコラムをお読みくださいまして本当にありがとう。
Web siteの他にVortex通信、シンクロわくわく通信また、フォトリーディング通信には本当に素敵なことが載っています。



最後に、私を何時もかげでアシストしてくださったマインドマップの井元さんにハワイのMahalo (Thank you) を心の底からさしあげます。

From Dr. Kunio Miyazawa


日本語 / English

Silent Killer - - - - - - - - - - - - Something We Can Prevent

The best medicine is prevention. Two most common causes of death are cancer and cardiovascular disease. In fact, heart disease is the number one death among American women. The most hard working organ in the human body is the heart, beating without any rest. There are many things we can do to prolong our life span but the most simple one is to control high blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure is called the silent killer.

Only about half of the people who have high blood pressure know about it. It is important to emphasize that you are checked for accurate blood pressure reading although you do not have any symptom such as persistent headache, dizziness, insomnia, or irritability, etc. There are certain groups of people who should be aware of their blood pressure. It is likely that these people might develop hypertension even when they are young. These include obese, smokers, diabetics, those with stressful jobs, sedentary life style, excessive alcohol drinkers, and those with high sodium, high fat, and high cholesterol intake.

Blood pressure measurement of 120/80 is said to be “normal.” Blood pressure 140/90 and above is considered high. We want to see BP 120/80 or lower upon arising every morning. Danger of hypertension is to make heart work harder and lead to heart attack, heart failure, stroke, kidney disease, and other health problems. Actually, heart attack becomes the first sign of hypertension for some patients. Even they know they have hypertension, half are not being treated. And when they are treated, half of them have no normal blood pressure reading.

Please eat well, exercise, lose weight if needed, stop smoking and cut down on salt and fat intake and change your life style. If these changes are not effective your doctor will prescribe medications. Take it regularly. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and dried beans, fat free dairy foods together with lean cooked chicken, fish, and fiber are good sources of food to maintain good blood pressure.

Stress management is essential to maintain balanced blood pressure. Aerobic activities and exercises are best to control your blood pressure, and in fact in my opinion, the best one. I hope you do not develop hypertension but even if you do please consult your medical doctor and follow his or her advice. If medication is necessary you must take it regularly to protect you.

Please take care of your blood pressure and your heart. Remember Reiki's Ideals, "Just for today, I’ll let go of anger" And I say, when you get mad, express it to Reiki who understands you and smiles at you as your true friend. May you have a healthier and happier long life!!

Thank you
Ref: Feature Stories, Dr. Elijah Saunders, Maryland Medical School

Dr. Kunio Miyazawa

Hawaiian Word for This Week:
  Pau    End    おわり

Dr. Kunio Miyazawa can be reached by E Mail: KunioM@AOL.COM or visiting URL: http://healingclinichawaii.com

Thank you so much for reading faithfully my column in the largest Reiki Web site in Japan, “Reikihealing.Jp.”
I have learned myself how to cleanse my body with salt from Mochida Sensei’s Reiki column.
I am applying this method myself when I am in Hawaiian ocean.
Besides this Web site, there are many wonderful articles in Vortex communication, synchrowakuwaku communication, and photo reading communication.

Kasagi instructor is teaching how to receive abundant Universal energy richly as we walk in such places as the park in Kichijouji area.
I say this is very important for us facing many stresses daily.

I would like to walk and try this the next time I visit that area.
Treasure Map navigator and Photo reading instructor, Mr. Mochizuki has written many articles and he challenges me each time to lead to powerful action to break the wall.

Folks, please stretch yourself in this wonderful place called Vortex.
At last, I would like to say my Hawaiian Mahalo (Thanks) from the bottom of my heart to Inomoto San of Mind Map for assisting me always.
Till we see you again.

From Dr. Kunio Miyazawa




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