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⇒ 宮沢先生プロフィール
⇒ レイキとREIKI(宮沢邦夫・望月俊孝著)BABジャパン

日本語 / English






  • 私たちは、肉体的健康だけでなく、精神的、霊的なバランスも保たなければなりません。そうして初めて私たちは完全な存在となります。
  • この能力は誰にもあるものです。私たちはみな宇宙のエネルギーでできていて、それをヒーリングに使うことができるのです。私たちの選択の問題です。
  • あなたは、他の人々も自分自身も癒すことができます。
  • 他の人をヒーリングしていて、あなたのエネルギーが消耗することはありません。レイキ・ヒーリングをしていると、あなたもエネルギーを受け取ることになり、エネルギーに満たされます。それは、あなたが自分のエネルギーを使っているのではなく、宇宙のエネルギーと共に働いているからです。
  • あなたは癒しの回路になっているだけです。ですから結果に対して手柄に思う必要もないし、責任を感じる必要もありません。
  • レイキ・ヒーリングで相手の症状を受けてしまうことはありません。


(ヒロ市, 飛行場, 湾の航空イメージ:Google Earth)


ドクター クニオ・ミヤザワ (宮沢邦夫)

    Aloha Ahiahi  Good Evening  こんばんは


日本語 / English

Hilo, Hawaii ------ Hawaiian Reiki Healing Center

The most southern island is the Island of Hawaii. It is the largest island with a population of 158,423. It is called the Big Island where vast nature is operating and breathing. It includes many fresh tropical plants, magnificent falls, mysterious volcanoes and mountains, and beautiful beaches under bright sun. Without doubt it is a very powerful place. Kona coast has resorts as well as ancient Hawaiian history. Parker Ranch is well known as the largest individually owned property in the United States. Hawaii Volcanos National Park is known as a most spectacular place.

Hilo is a city center of commercial activity with a population of 40,759 and has a literal meaning “twist.” A two block district of Mamo street in downtown Hilo was greatly affected by 1946 and 1960 Tsunami. It is known as a small town city with a strong attraction of very friendly community.

In December 1938 Reiki Master Hawayo Takata began Reiki presentation in the Big Island which has become popular there. Mrs. Takata’s clinic in Hilo thrived for treatment as well as traveling and teaching throughout the Island. After a decade of success with her healing she returned to Honolulu and made her home for the next 30 years. It is said that she initiated 22 of her students as Reiki Masters before December 1980 when she passed away.

In her book, Reiki: Hawayo Takata’s story, Helen J. Haberly, one who was trained by her brings up several interesting points which Mrs. Takata emphasized. Repeated here for the purpose of review not criticism:

-We must have not only physical well-being but mental and spiritual balance as well. Only then can we say we are whole.
-Everyone has this potential. We are all composed of this Universal Energy and can use it for healing. It is a matter of choice.
-You can treat yourself, as well as others.
-You do not become depleted when treating others. As you give Reiki, you also receive and become energized, for you are working with Universal Life Force, not your personal energy.
-You become a channel for healing and take neither credit nor responsibility for results.
-You do not take on the symptoms of those you are treating.

If you and I look at what happened in the past for some of healing practices and teaching we must see its history always. Some miracle stories will fade away and others remain alive and continue to be repeated. It is amazing to me to realize that Reiki which was born in Japan had come to Hawaii and United States and wide spread over the entire world. Please look at the picture of beautiful Hilo Bay which twice withstood awful Tsunami. We know it will come again, but the Bay will stand solid and expand.

(Aerial View Of Hilo City, Bay & Airport by Google Earth)

Thank you

Dr. Kunio Miyazawa

Hawaiian Word for This Week:
   Aloha Ahiahi   Good Evening   こんばんわ



ハワイのカウアイ島 ---- レイキの壮大なプランを垣間見る
ハワイ、ホノルル ---- ストレスの多い所

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