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⇒ 宮沢先生プロフィール
⇒ レイキとREIKI(宮沢邦夫・望月俊孝著)BABジャパン

日本語 / English











ドクター クニオ・ミヤザワ (宮沢邦夫)

    Okole (オコレ)    Buttocks    お尻


日本語 / English

Place of Acupuncture in Healing

In spite of modern medical advances there are many diseases that Western Medicine can not control easily.  This is the reason alternative medical cares come in to help suffering people all over the world. Acupuncture has been known to exist for a long time even before Christ. It has gone various developing stages in past but now it is clear this art is placing as one of healing disciplines and helping people.

The procedure involves small sterile needles inserted at various points over human body along energy pathways in order to restore and balance our vitality and sound health. This is based on belief that universal life energy (Qi) is the core of human health. When Qi is not flowing sickness appears. Needles placed in proper points will reestablish a healthy Qi flow and bring back a healthy body. Qi is sensitive to imbalance of Yin and Yang energy, too much of one energy but not other will interfere a general healthy energy flow. Acupuncture needles used are different from one used in Western Medical practice, much smaller and less painful.

Lisa is a 38 years old single woman suffering seasonal allergy probably due to seasonal pollen. Every year during change of season she has to receive allergy shots, nose spray, various medications including antihistamin, sometimes steroid. This is disabling her work and her capability to function as office supervisor.

With her friend’s advice she started to rely on Oriental Medicine of acupuncture and herbal medicine. With proper advice she reduced her discomfort significantly and starts enjoying her personal and social life by simply taking herbal medicine and acupuncture. She eliminated dairy product and forced water intake. She found a regular daily exercise helping her. She practiced a nasal septum flush with distilled warm salt water often daily washing through nose into the back of the throat and gurgled. The recent randomized controlled study demonstrated acupuncture can bring 66 % reduction in severe seasonal allergy. Treatment should be started one month before the usual time of seasonal allergy.

Steve is a 45 years old executive highly trained for marketing position. He developed uncomfortable low back pain after hiking mountain. With various X ray, CT Scan and MRI studies his physician found he has a disk problem and was given various pain pills and muscle relaxant which made him very tired and sleepy. With physical therapy he continued his back problem for about a month. He began acupuncture therapy which made his pain almost 90 % better after 3 sessions. He continued this therapy 4 additional times and he declared himself cured and happy.

More people should consider this method of healing which brings a wonderful outcome often. As mentioned in our book, “レイキ とREIKI” my annoying left shoulder problem was healed by one session by the visiting Canadian Reiki Master when I elected not to have surgery but receive Reiki therapy which I was always grateful. Please check with your physician if alternative care is acceptable.

Thank you

Dr. Kunio Miyazawa

Hawaiian Word for This Week:
  Okole    Buttocks    お尻



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